Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Logitech Z623 Speaker System

Logitech Z623 Speaker System

Logitech's Z-2300 speakers were a great set of computer speakers: THX certified and not atrociously priced. The upcoming Z623 speakers seem like a pretty good successor to the aging system, complete with an updated look. The Z623 will be $150 in September, and have RCA as well as 3.5mm inputs, so you can connect it to a computer, PMP or your (albeit low-end) home theater. These speakers, unlike the Z-2300, have volume controls on the satellites rather than in a separate control pod. I've actually run into problems with the Z-2300 control pod wearing out after a few years of use, turning a 2.1 system into a 1.1 (or 1.0) system where only the left channel works. [Logitech]
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Nokia N8

Nokia_N8_Frontal portraitImage by NokiaConnectZA via Flickr
The new Nokia N8 cell phone is pretty awesome, The screen is a thing of beauty, nice colours, touch sensitivity is the same as found in a device like iPhone or Android as well. UI wise the colors are very pleasent and S3 feels more consitent on the entire system, the layout and design are very pleasent and it does not look clunky like the N97 or N900. Features on N8 look very very nice, Social Networking/Chatting/Email accounts integration to contact book and widgets on screen are very nice…

The Nokia N8 has a 3.5-inch capacitive display, 12 megapixel camera with HDMI-out, supports 720p/30fps video, Full touch screen, free navigation, worldwide maps, Symbian^3 OS. The camera is fantastic from the pics I’ve seen and the HD video is as well. This keeps me from having to lug around a camera on vacation or when going to a special event. The phone has a standby time of 400 hours.

The Nokia N8 will launch on August 24th with a price of €470 ($590) at Amazon Germany, price is a bit higher.

Nokia N8 cell phone Specifications:
- Available: Q3 2010
- Networks
: GSM/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900; WCDMA (HSDPA/HSUPA) 850/900/1700/1900/2100
- Display: 3.5 inch capacitive OLED touchscreen display with 640 x 360 pixels
- Camera: 12MP autofocus camera with Carl Zeiss optics, Xenon flash, face recognition and HD (720p) video recording
- Operating system: Symbian^3
- Input: touchscreen
- Memory: 16GB of internal memory
- Memory card: MicroSD card support
- Connectivity: WiFi, A-GPS, FM Radio and FM Transmitter
- Misc: MP3, AAC, eAAC, eAAC+, WMA, AMR
- Media: MPEG4, H.263, H.264, WMV, RealVideo 10
- Battery: 1200 mAh battery
- Talk Time: 12 hours (720 mins)
- Standby Time: 390 hours (16 days)
- Dimensions: 113.5 x 59 x 12.9 mm
- Weight: 135 g
- Other: Ovi maps with walk and drive navigation, WebTV, Ovi Store; Flash Lite 4.0 and Flash video support; Facebook and Twitter integration via homescreen widgets

source readings

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ciri-ciri Orang Munafik.

Di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita kerap mendengar kata "munafik" diucapkan orang. Dan bila itu terjadi, biasanya perhatian kita langsung akan terpusat pada sosok yang disebut-sebut munafik tadi. Bahkan tidak jarang kita sendiripun tergoda untuk ikut menambahkan komentar (gibah) mengenai sosok sial yang disebut munafik ini. Lalu, sejauh mana sebetulnya pengetahuan kita tentang Munafik? Berikut adalah ciri-ciri orang munafik menurut Islam.
1. Dusta
Hadith Rasulullah yang diriwayatkan Imam Ahmad Musnad dengan sanad Jayid: "Celaka baginya, celaka baginya, celaka baginya. Yaitu seseorang yang berdusta agar orang-orang tertawa." Di dalam kitab Shahihain (Shahih Bukhari dan Muslim), Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Tanda orang munafik ada tiga, salah satunya adalah jika berbicara dia dusta."
2. Khianat
Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Dan apabila berjanji, dia berkhianat." Barangsiapa memberikan janji kepada seseorang, atau kepada isterinya, anaknya, sahabatnya, atau kepada seseorang dengan mudah kemudian dia mengkhianati janji tersebut tanpa ada sebab uzur syar'i maka telah melekat pada dirinya salah satu tanda kemunafikan.
3. Fujur Dalam PertikaianSabda Rasulullah SAW: "Dan apabila bertengkar (bertikai), dia melampau batas."

4. Ingkar JanjiSabda Rasulullah SAW: "Tanda orang munafik ada tiga: jika berbicara dia dusta, jika berjanji dia ingkar, dan jika dipercaya (diberi amanat) dia berkhianat." (HR. Bukhari Muslim)
5. Malas Beribadah
Firman Allah SWT: "Dan apabila mereka berdiri untuk sholat, mereka berdiri dengan malas." (An-Nisa': 142) . Jika orang munafik pergi ke masjid atau surau, dia menyeret kakinya seakan-akan terbelenggu rantai. Oleh kerana itu, ketika sampai di dalam masjid atau surau dia memilih duduk di shaf yang paling akhir. Dia tidak mengetahui apa yang dibaca imam dalam sholat, apalagi untuk menyemak dan menghayatinya.
6. Riya
Di hadapan manusia dia sholat dengan khusyuk tetapi ketika seorang diri, dia mempercepatkan sholatnya. apabila bersama orang lain dalam suatu majlis, dia tampak zuhud dan berakhlak baik, demikian juga pembicaraannya. Namun, jika dia seorang diri, dia akan melanggar hal-hal yang diharamkan oleh Allah SWT.
7. Sedikit Berzikir
Firman Allah SWT: "Dan apabila mereka berdiri untuk sholat, mereka berdiri dengan malas. Mereka bermaksud riya' (dengan sholat) di hadapan manusia. Dan tidaklah mereka menyebut Allah SWT kecuali sedikit sekali." (An-Nisa': 142) .

8. Mempercepat Sholat

Mereka (orang-orang munafik) adalah orang yang mempercepatkan sholat tanpa ada rasa khusyuk sedikit pun. Tidak ada ketenangan dalam mengerjakannya, dan hanya sedikit mengingat Allah SWT di dalamnya. Fikiran dan hatinya tidak menyatu. Dia tidak menghadirkan keagungan, kehebatan, dan kebesaran Allah SWT dalam sholatnya. Hadith Nabi SAW: "Itulah sholat orang munafik, ... lalu mempercepat empat rakaat (sholatnya)"

9. Mencela Orang-Orang Yang Taat Dan Soleh

Mereka memperlekehkan orang-orang yang Taat dengan ungkapan yang mengandung cemuhan dan celaan. Oleh kerananya, dalam setiap majlis pertemuan sering kali kita temui orang munafik yang hanya memperbincangkan sepak terjang orang-orang soleh dan orang-orang yang konsisten terhadap Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. Baginya seakan-akan tidak ada yang lebih penting dan menarik selain memperolok-olok orang-orang yang Taat kepada Allah SWT
10. Mengolok-Olok Al-Quran, As-Sunnah, Dan Rasulullah SAW
Termasuk dalam kategori Istihzaa' (berolok-olok) adalah memperolok-olok hal-hal yang disunnah Rasulullah SAW dan amalan-amalan lainnya. Orang yang suka memperolok-olok dengan sengaja hal-hal seperti itu, jatuh Kafir. Firman Allah SWT: "Katakanlah, Apakah dengan Allah SWT, Ayat-Ayat-Nya, dan Rasul-Nya kamu selalu berolok-olok?' Tidak usah kamu minta maaf, kerana kamu kafir sesudah beriman." (At-Taubah: 65-66)
11. Bersumpah Palsu
Firman Allah SWT: "Mereka menjadikan sumpah-sumpah mereka sebagai perisai." (Al-Munafiqun: 2 & Al-Mujadilah: 16). Jika seseorang menanyakan kepada orang munafik tentang sesuatu, dia langsung bersumpah. Apa yang diucapkan orang munafik semata-mata untuk menutupi kedustaannya. Dia selalu mengumpat dan memfitnah orang lain. Maka jika seseorang itu menegurnya, dia segera mengelak dengan sumpahnya: "Demi Allah, sebenarnya kamu adalah orang yang paling aku sukai. Demi Allah, sesungguhnya kamu adalah sahabatku."
12. Enggan Berinfak
Orang-orang munafik memang selalu menghindari hal-hal yang menuntut pengorbanan, baik berupa harta maupun jiwa. Apabila menjumpai mereka berinfak, bersedekah, dan mendermakan hartanya, mereka lakukan kerana riya' dan sum'ah. Mereka enggan bersedekah, kerana pada hakikatnya, mereka tidak menghendaki pengorbanan harta, apalagi jiwa.
13. Tidak Menghiraukan Nasib Sesama Kaum Muslimin
Mereka selalu menciptakan kelemahan-kelemahan dalam barisan muslimin. Inilah yang disebut At Takhdzil. iaitu, sikap meremehkan, menakut-nakuti, dan membiarkan kaum muslimin. Orang munafik berpendapat bahawa orang-orang kafir lebih kuat daripada kaum muslimin.
14. Suka Menyebarkan Khabar Dusta
Orang munafik senang memperbesar peristiwa atau kejadian. Jika ada orang yang tergelincir lisannya secara tidak sengaja, maka datanglah si munafik dan memperbesarkannya dalam majelis-majelis pertemuan. "Apa kalian tidak mendengar apa yang telah dikatakan si fulan itu?" Lalu, dia pun menirukan kesalahan tersebut. Padahal, dia sendiri mengetahui bahawa orang itu mempunyai banyak kebaikan dan keutamaan, akan tetapi si munafik itu tidak akan mahu mengungkapkannya kepada masyarakat.
15. Mengingkari Takdir
Orang munafik selalu membantah dan tidak redha dengan takdir Allah SWT. Oleh kerananya, apabila ditimpa musibah, dia mengatakan: "Bagaimana ini. Seandainya saya berbuat begini, niscaya akan menjadi begini." Dia pun selalu mengeluh kepada sesama manusia. Sungguh, dia telah mengkufuri dan mengingkari Qadha dan Takdir.
16. Mencaci Maki Kehormatan Orang-Orang Soleh
Apabila orang munafik membelakangi orang-orang soleh, dia akan mencaci maki, menjelek-jelekkan, mengumpat, dan menjatuhkan kehormatan mereka di majlis-majlis pertemuan. Firman Allah SWT: "Mereka mencaci kamu dengan lidah yang tajam, sedang mereka bakhil untuk berbuat kebaikan." (Al-Ahzab: 19)

17. Sering Meninggalkan Sholat Berjamaah
Apabila seseorang itu segar, kuat, mempunyai waktu luang, dan tidak memiliki uzur say'i, namun tidak mahu mendatangi masjid/surau ketika mendengar panggilan azan, maka saksikanlah dia sebagai orang munafik.
18. Membuat Kerusakan Di Muka Bumi Dengan Dalih Mengadakan Perbaikan
Firman Allah SWT: "Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka: janganlah kamu membuat kerusakan di muka bumi, mereka menjawab: 'Sesungguhnya kami orang-orang yang mengadakan kebaikan.' Ingatlah, sesungguhnya mereka itulah orang-orang yang membuat kerusakan, tetapi mereka tidak sadar." (Al-Baqarah: 11-12).
19. Tidak Sesuai Antara Zahir Dengan Bathin
Secara Zahir mereka membenarkan bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah Rasul Allah, tetapi di dalam hati mereka, Allah telah mendustakan kesaksian mereka. Sesungguhnya, kesaksian yang tampak benar secara Zahir itulah yang menyebabkan Mereka masuk ke dalam Neraka. Penampilan zahirnya bagus dan mempesona, tetapi di dalam batinnya terselubung niat busuk dan menghancurkan. Di luar dia menampakkan kekhusyukan, sedangkan di dalam hatinya ia main-main.
20. Takut Terhadap Kejadian Apa Saja
Orang-orang munafik selalu diliputi rasa takut. Jiwanya selalu tidak tenang, keinginannya hanya selalu mendambakan kehidupan yang tenang dan damai tanpa disibukkan oleh persoalan-persoalan hidup apapun. Dia selalu berharap: "Tinggalkan dan biarkanlah kami dengan keadaan kami ini, semoga Allah memberikan nikmat ini kepada kami. Kami tidak ingin keadaan kami berubah." Padahal, keadaannya tidaklah lebih baik.
21. Beruzur Dengan Dalih Dusta
Firman Allah SWT: "Di antara mereka ada orang yang berkata: 'Berilah saya izin (tidak pergi berperang) dan janganlah kamu menjadikan saya terjerumus ke dalam fitnah.' Ketahuilah bahawa mereka telah terjerumus ke dalam fitnah. Dan sesungguhnya Neraka Jahanam itu benar-benar meliputi orang-orang yang kafir." (At-Taubah: 49)

22. Menyuruh Kemungkaran Dan Mencegah Kemakrufan
Mereka (orang munafik) menginginkan agar perbuatan keji tersiar di kalangan orang-orang beriman. Mereka menggembar-gemburkan tentang kemerdekaan wanita, persamaan hak, penanggalan hijab/jilbab. Mereka juga berusaha memasyarakatkan nyanyian dan konsert, menyebarkan majalah-majalah porno (semi-porno) dan narkotik.

23. Bakhil
Orang-orang munafik sangat bakhil dalam masalah-masalah kebajikan. Mereka menggenggam tangan mereka dan tidak mahu bersedekah atau menginfakkan sebahagian harta mereka untuk kebaikan, padahal mereka orang yang mampu dan berkecukupan.
24. Lupa Kepada Allah SWT
Segala sesuatu selalu mereka ingat, kecuali Allah SWT. Oleh sebab itu, mereka senantiasa ingat kepada keluarganya, anak-anaknya, lagu-lagu, berbagai keinginan, dan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan duniawi. Dalam fikiran dan batin mereka tidak pernah terlintas untuk mengingat (dzikir) Allah SWT, kecuali sebagai tipuan semata-mata.
25. Mendustakan Janji Allah SWT Dan Rasul-Nya
Firman Allah SWT: "Dan (ingatlah) ketika orang-orang munafik dan orang-orang yang berpenyakit dalam hatinya berkata: 'Allah dan Rasul-Nya tidak menjanjikan kepada kami selain tipu daya." (Al-Ahzab: 12).

26. Lebih Memperhatikan Zahir, Mengabaikan Bathin
Orang munafik lebih mementingkan zahir dengan mengabaikan yang batin, tidak menegakkan sholat, tidak merasa diawasi Allah SWT, dan tidak mengenal zikir. Pada zahirnya, pakaian mereka demikian bagus menarik, tetapi batin mereka kosong, rusak dan lain sebaginya.
27. Sombong Dalam Berbicara
Orang-orang munafik selalu sombong dan angkuh dalam berbicara. Mereka banyak omomg dan suka memfasih-fasihkan ucapan. Setiap kali berbicara, mereka akan selalu mengawalinya dengan ungkapan menakjubkan yang meyakinkan agar tampak seperti orang hebat, mulia, berwawasan luas, mengerti, berakal, dan berpendidikan. Padahal, pada hakikatnya dia tidak memiliki kemampuan apapun. Sama sekali tidak memiliki ilmu bahkan bodoh.

28. Tidak Memahami Ad Din
Di antara "keistimewaan" orang-orang munafik adalah: mereka sama sekali tidak memahami masalah-masalah agama. Dia tahu bagaimana mengenderai mobil dan mengerti perihal mesinnya. Dia juga mengetahui hal-hal remeh dan pengetahuan-pengetahuan yang tidak pernah memberi manfaat kepadanya meski juga tidak mendatangkan mudharat baginya. Akan tetapi, apabila menghadapi untuk berdialog (bertanya tentang persoalan-persoalan Ad Din (Islam)), dia sama sekali tidak boleh menjawab.
29. Bersembunyi Dari Manusia Dan Menentang Allah Dengan Perbuatan DosaOrang munafik menganggap ringan perkara-perkara terhadap Allah SWT, menentang-Nya dengan melakukan berbagai kemungkaran dan kemaksiatan secara sembunyi-sembunyi. Akan tetapi, ketika dia berada di tengah-tengah manusia dia menunjukkan sebaliknya: berpura-pura taat.

Firman Allah SWT: "Mereka bersembunyi dari manusia, tetapi mereka tidak bersembunyi dari Allah, padahal Allah beserta mereka, ketika pada suatu malam mereka menetapkan keputusan rahsia yang Allah tidak ridhoi." (An-Nisa': 108)

30. Senang Melihat Orang Lain Susah, Susah Bila Melihat Orang lain Senang
Orang munafik apabila mendengar berita bahawa seorang ulama yang soleh tertimpa suatu musibah, dia pun menyebarluaskan berita duka itu kepada masyarakat sambil menampakkan kesedihannya dan berkata: "Hanya Allahlah tempat memohon pertolongan. Kami telah mendengar bahawa si fulan telah tertimpa musibah begini dan begitu. Semoga Allah memberi kesabaran kepada kami dan beliau." Padahal, di dalam hatinya dia merasa senang dan bangga akan musibah itu.

sumber terpercaya cuy...!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mazda RX-8 2009

The original RX-8 was launched in 2001 and was intended as a successor for the RX-7. The later was previously produced in not less than three distinct generations and was a high performance 2+2 seats coupe. The most exclusive component used for the RX-7 was it’s unique (Mazda is the only current Wankel engine producer) rotary engine, that made the car light and fast. After sales for the RX-7 dropped in the late ‘90s, Mazda decided to revive their performance coupe and dropped the RX-7 denomination in favor of the “RX-8” tag. This change was intended to point that the new model was a revolution and a total departure from the previous RXs. It featured four doors, the two smaller rears ones were “suicide doors”.

This two plus two suicide doors layout has proved to be highly successful. It eases rear access, but doesn’t compromise much the “coupe styling”. This successful recipe will be preserved for the second RX-8 that will be an evolution of the current model.

According to a recent survey performed by a major research organization, Mazda’s new-car customers are the second youngest in North America, at only 41 years of age.

Official Mazda design sketch
Mazda buyers are several steps ahead of the latest trends and constantly on the lookout for affordable possessions that satisfy their hunger for stylish, insightful and spirited designs. The new RX-8 will be designed to fit this kind of customers.

Our artist has prepared a few illustrations that show you were the RX-8 design is headed to. The evolved design of the 2009 Mazda RX-8 will resemble to a fuselage with a powerful stance, pronounced wheel arches and taut surfaces. Every line will flow into another with no open ends, in the “Zoom-Zoom” manner currently common to all Mazda models. Surfaces will be drawn tight over the wheel arches, the way a spider’s web stretches between anchor points

The power will be supplied to the new RX-8’s rear wheels by an updated version of the 1.3-liter Wankel rotary engine expected to produce up to 300 bhp. The transmission options will be 6-gears manuals or automatic gearboxes.

Mazda has already developed a prototype of a hydrogen/gasoline fueled rotary engine. It is highly probably that this engine version will also be offered for the next generation RX-8.

The second generation Mazda RX-8 is expected to be launched in 2009 as a 2010 model and is likely to be priced starting at $28,000.
2009 Mazda RX-8 artist rendering
2007 Mazda RX-8


The first generation Mazda RX-8 was launched in 2001 at the NAIAS. For 2007 Mazda have upgraded their four-door, four-seat, rotary engine-equipped RX-8 sports car, which is to be sold at Mazda and Mazda Anfini dealers throughout Japan. Mazda is commencing sales of the 5-speed and 6-speed manual transmission models and accepting orders for the new 6-speed automatic transmission (AT) version from today. The 6-speed AT RX-8 goes on sale in mid-October 2006.

Since sales began in April 2003, the RX-8 has received widespread acclaim as a unique sports car powered by a rotary engine, in which four adults can ride comfortably.

The newly-adopted 6-speed AT model delivers reassuringly smooth acceleration and improved noise reduction at high speeds. In addition, a 6-port design of its rotary engine—2 ports more than the prior model—improves the intake efficiency, and the newly-added Active Adaptive Shift (AAS) control raises the ride quality and enjoyment of driving a sports car.

Additionally, new accessories improve the vehicle’s quality feel. For its exterior and interior, Mazda has introduced the "Sand Beige Leather Package" to the Type S and Type E models. The exterior features two new body colors, with a stark blue "Stormy Blue Mica" and radiant white "Crystal White Pearl Mica" having been added to the body color range to further emphasize the RX-8’s sporty pedigree and reputation for quality.

The monthly sales target for the upgraded RX-8 is set at 600 units a month.
The adoption of the 6-speed AT, increased by two speeds over the base 4-speed, enabled the overall gear ratio range to be widened and the gaps between each gear to be reduced to achieve a better close ratio. This results in a more powerful, smoother acceleration and reduces shift shock, while improving noise reduction at high speeds and increasing fuel efficiency.

The 6-port engine that up to now has only been used in the RX-8 Type S (6-speed manual transmission model) has been adopted for the 6-speed automatic transmission version, which until now mounted only a 4-port engine. This development pushes up the power output by increasing intake efficiency as well as further enhancing the torque produced at high revs—one of the special features of the rotary engine.
For more information and photos on the 2007 Mazda RX-8 click here 
2007 Mazda RX-8


One of the main competitors of the current RX-8 is the Nissan 350Z. For 2006, the dramatic Nissan 350Z sports car received its first comprehensive updating since its introduction in the market in August 2002. The changes to the Z, which has sold over 100,000 units in its first three years, include a revised front end appearance, enhanced interior, LED taillights, a new vehicle speed-sensitive power steering system, refined optional navigation system and available RAYS super lightweight 18-inch front/19-inch rear 5-spoke forged alloy wheels (Coupe only.

A new Grand Touring Coupe model featuring the 18/19-inch wheels, Brembo brakes, front and rear spoiler and Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) has been added to the model lineup and all 6-speed manual transmission models now receive the 300-horsepower* tuning of the Z’s standard 3.5-liter DOHC V6. Models equipped with the 5-speed automatic transmission are rated at 287 horsepower.

For 2006, the 350Z is again available in Coupe and Roadster body styles and in an array of models – five for the Coupe and three for the Roadster. Each provides sports car lovers high performance excitement and dynamic driving experience, with a style all its own. Other enhancements for the new model year include standard 18-inch cast aluminum-alloy wheels (except Coupe Track and Grand Touring models), increased brake rotor size for non-Brembo models, standard bi-xenon (low and high beam) headlights, and mp3-CD capability for the available Bose audio system.

Three new exterior colors are available for 2006: Silver Alloy, Magnetic Black, and Interlagos Fire.

Detailed information and a photo gallery of the 2006 350Z can be found here
2006 Alfa Romeo Brera
A detailed review of the 2006 Alfa Romeo Brera is available here
Another competitor for Mazda’s coupe is the Italian beauty, Alfa Romeo Brera. Sportiness and elegance packaged in a unique, exclusive style. Harmony of shape and volume that add up to a good-looking, powerful and solid car supplemented by Alfa Romeo mechanical and engineering excellence. This, in short, is the soul of the Alfa Brera, a new prestige coupe that is able to arouse great emotion and guarantee maximum driving satisfaction.

The planners and designers had only one aim in mind: to marry the elegant, sporty line of an outstanding car with the quality and comfort of a luxury saloon. They achieved this result by basing the new product on the attractive Giugiaro-designed Brera prototype that won the hearts of the press and the general public, as the long list of prestigious international accolades reveals: ’Best of Show’, assigned by Autoweek magazine at the Geneva Motor Show; ’Best of Show’ in the Prototype category at the Villa d’Este Concorso D’Eleganza; 2 category prizes at Challenge Bibendum 2002, one as ’one of the most elegant cars in the world’; and the title of ’the most fascinating car’ conferred at the Super Car Rally 2002 from Paris to Monte Carlo. This very respectable CV has now been inherited by the new Alfa Romeo Brera due to go on sale at the end of 2005.

This Giugiaro-designed model turns heads for its unmistakable Italian elegance, an absolutely unique, unrepeatable style that promises the satisfaction of a sporty drive with full respect for Brand traditions. The new model shares this quality with other Alfa Romeo cars within its category that are now remembered as milestones in the history of the motor car. From the 1900 SS to the Giulietta Sprint, from the Alfetta to the Giulia Sprint GT.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Apakah Puasa Kita Diterima??

Di samping memenuhi syarat dan rukun puasa, supaya shaum-nya diterima, kita perlu melengkapi shaum-nya dengan mengikutsertakan pikiran, hati, dan semua anggota badannya seperti lidah, mata, telinga, tangan, dan kaki. Semuanya ikut berpuasa dari perbuatan yang dilarang oleh agama Islam. Kalau tidak, dia tidak akan mendapatkan hasil apa-apa dari shaum-nya kecuali rasa haus dan lapar saja.

Kita tidak boleh berpikir jahat kepada orang lain, dan tidak merencanakan sebuah kejahatan buat siapa pun. Hatinya dijaga dari sifat dengki, hasad, benci tanpa alasan syar’i, serta dendam. Matanya dipejamkan dari melihat yang dilarang oleh agama seperti film porno, tarian yang sensual, goyang pinggul yang merangsang, dan sebagainya. Telinganya tidak mendengarkan musik dan lagu-lagu yang melalaikan. Lidahnya tidak ngomong jorok, tidak menceritakan kejelekan orang lain (ghibah), tidak mengadu domba (namimah), dan sebagainya. 

Tangannya tidak mencuri, tidak korupsi, menganiaya orang lain, dan kakinya tidak berjalan menuju tempat maksiat. Badannya tidak memakan barang yang haram, tidak meminum minuman keras, tidak mengonsumsi narkoba. Pakaian yang dikenakan juga dibeli dengan uang yang diperoleh dengan cara halal. Untuk lebih menyempurnakan ibadah shaum, maka shaaim harus selalu shalat lima waktu di awal waktu, dan bagi kaum pria shalatnya senantiasa berjamaah di masjid. Di malam hari, para shaaim juga dianjurkan untuk mendirikan shalat malam, baik secara berjamaah maupun sendirian. Semaksimal mungkin, shaaim juga memanfaatkan waktunya untuk membaca Alquran, dan bersedekah kepada fakir miskin.

Nah..apakah amal puasa kita dapat diterima..
mudah-mudahan diterima Allah SWT..
amin...amin ya robbal alamin...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The BlackBerry Torch

Tuesday was BlackBerry’s big day. Anticipation had been building for it since WES 2010 in April when the company first teased BlackBerry 6, and BlackBerry enthusiasts have been waiting for it throughout 2010 as iPhone and Android amped up their smartphones and made BlackBerry look increasing outdated.

What AT&T and RIM executives proceeded to show off on Tuesday was the new BlackBerry Torch 9800 (right), which is the first smartphone to run BlackBerry 6, has a revamped multitouch interface, and features the traditional BlackBerry keyboard in a slide-down form factor.

AT&T CEO Ralph de la Vega opened Tuesday’s launch event for the Torch 9800 by saying, “Today, AT&T and RIM are introducing the best BlackBerry ever.” That was a pretty high bar to hit and we’ll be debating in the coming weeks about whether the Torch really clears it. However, the initial reactions from tech journalists and analysts have been lukewarm.

BlackBerry Torch key features:
- 3.2 inch, 480 x 360 pixels touchscreen display
- Full QWERTY keyboard
- 624MHz CPU
- 5MP camera with flash
- Wi-Fi, GPS, 3.5 mm headset jack
- Full HTML tabbed browser
- 512MB RAM, 512 MB flash
- 4GB flash onboard memory, 4GB memory card included
- BlackBerry OS 6
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Ferrari 599XX

How often do you have the chance to see a Ferrari 599XX? Not very often, right? Well, photographer Sevan Calians was able to get pictures of two Ferrari 599XXs at the Paul Ricard High Test Track. Talk about being at the right place, at the right time; Calians was also able to capture a Pagani Zonda R right next to them! Now, that’s a perfect combination.

In case anyone has forgotten, the record-breaking 599XX’engine delivers a maximum output of 700 HP at a screaming 9,000 RPM and is mated to an all new SuperFast gearbox that is able to swap cogs in a mere 60 milliseconds. The 599XX is characterized by an innovative system called the "High Performance Dynamic Concept" which has been designed to get the maximum performance from the vehicle by managing the combination of the car’s mechanical limits with the potential of its electronic controls.

We’d love and hate to be the ones testing those cars on that track. Can you imagine having to pick between those voluptuous beauties for testing? Let’s just hope the test drivers were able to catch a ride in all three!

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lamborghini Gallardo

SC06 2007 Lamborghini Gallardo SpyderImage via Wikipedia
Spy photographers caught a new mysterious Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder testing at Nurburgring. And since we do not know exactly what it is, then we can only make assumptions. So, lets see. Lamborghini has a LP 570-4 Superleggera and a LP550-2 Valentino Balboni Edition, both provided in a coupe version. So, which one is about to get a spyder version?
The prototype caught testing features the same wheels, diffuser, and rear bumper
as the Superleggera model, but has a smaller rear wing. There is also a front bumper similar to the one from the Valentino Balboni Edition. So, which one do you guys think it is?
The Gallardo LP 550-2 is powered by a 5.2 liter V10 engine that delivers 550 hp. With a weight of only 3042 lbs, the car sprints from 0 to 60 mph in just 3.9 seconds and can hit a top speed of 199 mph. The LP570-4 Superleggera gets a 5.2 liter V10 engine with 570 hp. The result is a sprint from 0 to 60 mph in 3.4 seconds, from 0 to 124 mph in only 10.2 seconds later, while top speed goes up to 202 mph.

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Nissan Skyline GT-R

Do you happen to be in the neighborhood for a fully built 1200 HP AWD Time Attack racecar? If so eBay has you covered. It appears that the online auctioneer is becoming a more common place to find these types of ultra high performance super cars.
The most notable feature of this 1999 Nissan Skyline GT-R is its color. The yellow exterior of this ten year old racecar looks better than ever. The color is one of the signature touches that the Japanese tuners JUN applies to their Super Lemon vehicles, like the 1000 HP R-33 with a top speed of over 230 MPH. The modifications to this GT-R go far beyond paintwork. The vehicle features a Greddy T-78 turbocharger, a large unit capable of producing tremendous horsepower. The R-34 has 8 piston front brake calipers from Brembo, racecar hardware. The doors, trunk and hood are all made from lightweight composite material.
With the current economic situation and the limited application of the Hyper Powered Skyline it will be interesting to see how much a JUN built Time Attack GT-R is worth these days.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2010 Volkswagen Golf VI GTI by Weitec

How many times do you have the chance to see a Golf GTI  with lambo-doors? Not often, you can be sure of that, but WEITEC decided this was a look that would mesh well with the most powerful Golf in Volkswagen’s line-up.

The tuner added new sports springs, the sport suspension and coilovers that reduce the GTI’s ride by 10 to 40 millimeters. With the certified adjustment range, the driver can adjust the look and the drive dynamics to precisely suit his requirements.

Aside from the Lambo doors, the Golf seems to have also been given an extensive body kit that further defines the visual lowering of the vehicle. The bonnet of the vehicle has also been modified to a crisp black with a few small vents scattered throughout.

Just for the record, we in no way think this makes the Golf look like the esteemed Lamborghini, but we applaud WEITEC’s creativity and forthright in providing the compact car with a little flair.
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Volkswagen Golf GTI VR6: seis es mejor que cuatro ...: el golf ha sido historicamente uno de los modelos mas exitosos de la marca y actualmente esta disponible ... An article from: Automundo Magazine